Zu Beginn der Zeit, in Casinos ihren Trampelpfad ins Internet fanden, stand die Anwendung von 10 solange bis 20 verschiedenen Zocken zur Verfügung. Qua der Zeit kamen immer mehr Spiele und auch Spieleentwickler hinzu, die allesamt von dem extrem schnell wachsenden Dorf profitieren wollten. Einer der ersten Anbieter für die Software von Glücksspielautomaten war Thermometer. […]
Think primarily of customer satisfaction and trust by constantly improving technical skills and responding flexibly, promptly and sincerely to their needs.
Provide the society reliable high technology, high quality precision microshafts as well as promote prosperity of the company and employees.
Harmonize with the environment and live together with the community in mutual prosperity.
To be a certified manufacturer of precision microshafts in Cebu Philippines that will contribute to the development of local communities and keep harmony with the environment.